Chicken and Tuna Price Fixing Settlements

The Washington State Attorney General’s Office filed lawsuits against more than 20 corporations that make and sell chicken and canned tuna. These corporations secretly agreed to raise prices for these products in violation of state and federal laws that encourage competition in the marketplace and help keep prices down for consumers. As a result of these corporations’ illegal activity, you paid more than you should have for chicken and canned tuna.

Most of our lawsuits are now resolved and these corporations must pay my office over $40 million. The Attorney General’s Office is returning all of these funds to consumers who meet the eligibility criteria. To be eligible, consumers must currently reside in Washington and the consumer’s household income must not be greater than 175% of the federal poverty level. These eligibility requirements are designed to ensure that this money goes to those Washingtonians most impacted by the corporations’ illegal conduct. Single member households will receive a refund check for $50. Households of two members or more will receive a refund check for $120. We began mailing these checks on December 5, 2023. Please allow for 7-14 days for checks to reach their destination.

If your household has not received a payment and you believe it should have, please complete and submit the form below on or before June 5, 2024. If you are found eligible to receive a payment, a check will be mailed to the address you provide below. Please be patient as claims are received and processed. If you have any questions, please call 866-601-1516 or send an email to

Claim Form

Have you or a member of your household already received a refund check from the Washington State Attorney General’s Office?

Do you currently reside in Washington State?

How many people currently live in your Household (including yourself)?

Please indicate your current annual household income. Annual household income includes income from all members in your household and includes wages; unemployment and workers’ compensation; social security, disability and veterans’ payments; survivor benefits; and pension or retirement income.

Name & Contact Information

Certification & Signature

1. I understand that this Claim Form and all communications with the Washington State Attorney General’s Office will become public records under state law and that public records are subject to disclosure in response to requests.

2. I declare, under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington, that the information provided in this Claim Form is true and correct.